Pegasus Theater Company


Tickets will be available on Eventbrite. Tickets are $25 both online (debit/credit) and at the door (cash or check only). The first two Fridays are Pay What You Will and reservations will not be taken.

Concessions are available for all performances and free water is provided. The door opens at 6:30 pm on Friday and Saturday evenings with the performance at 7:00 pm. On Sunday afternoons the door opens at 1:30 pm with the performance at 2:00 pm.

Note: We no longer have a phone number to call for reservations. Simply come to the show. No one will be turned away as we can add seats as needed.

The Masonic Lodge is located at the corner of Third and Church Streets in Guerneville. Its official address is 14040 Church St., but please note that the entrance to the theater space is on Third Street.

Venue: Mt. Jackson Masonic Lodge
Map: Mt. Jackson Masonic Lodge

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Pegasus Theater is saving dollars and preserving trees by announcing plays by email rather than by mailing postcards. By submitting the following form you will be placed on our email notification list.

First Name: *  Please provide a first name.

Last Name: *  Please provide a last name.

Email: *  Please provide a valid email address.


We would be grateful if you would let us know how you heard about our current presentation.

  • Newspaper (hardcopy)
  • Email notification
  • Friends and family
  • Postcard or poster at a local business
  • Pegasus website
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Please note that we do not share email addresses with anyone.